Monday, July 26, 2010

Not Againnnnnnnnnnnnnn

lagi dan lagi dan lagi..aku tak tau ape salah kali..I've tried the best in this. I know..i know..people will say that ade hikmah atas semua mind and my heart is contradicting each other..

My mind.
He's not the right one because he's not responsible. He has a pretty scary history as in dumping other girl for a new girlfriend. and there are few things that I can reveal here sbb kalau aku cakap mmg sedare mare sepelusuk alam akan kate "kalau dah tau daripada awl die cam gitu asal nak jugakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk"..hahahahha

My heart
History is history..i want a future with him..not his history..and besides people can change right..(oh yes im a very stupidly-oh-so-positive towards other people behavior)..n he's nice when he's with me..oh n i liked him since i was 15. n oh oh oh...he said he love me..

buttttttttttt..timbang tara tolak canpur bahagi darab sume...okla koranggggggggggggggggggggg kite ikot kepale otak la erk...ade yg suruh berlagak chill..ade yg suruh lari jauh jauh..

tp pesanan ini yang melekat kat kepale..
"kalau die ikhlas..die takkan gune message dekat fb je least have the courtesy to see you face to face"

ok fineeeeeeeeeeeeee..aku move on sekarang juga..jgn bising bising dh...shoh shoh...


arkhaios said...

psst..ingat..perjanjiannya. nnt aku datang kutip sgala barangan tersebut. kosong skit umah ko.

Dark @ng3L said...

masalahnye..umah sewa aku mmg kosong pown weh..
