Monday, April 12, 2010

New Beginning

its been a while since i really really update this blog. wahh..starting cakap homputih ko..llalala...

Actually today aku masuk keje baru..kat mane? ofc ape..i dun think i want to reveal. Last week I've been out quite a lot & on Sunday tetibe nak berhibernate and think. I already know what I want but at this time Tuhan tu belum nak bagi lagi. I have enough of complication in my life.

Ok fine tipu if I'm saying that I'm not lonely. The past doesn't hurt me anymore. But it will be great to have someone to talk to bile ko leletih balik keje. As sume orang tau..aku jenis yang sungguh la oh-so-mengades-nak-mengadu-naseb.

Ko nak keje malam ke..ko nak bz ke..I don't give a damn pown. Tapi nasib aku memang baik sebabnye Cik Shidot telah berpindah ke KL drpd Rawang. So..she's my chenta hati rite now. Yayang kite kat Sampoerna tu angin puting beliung..tak die angin..aku yang angin.

Apsal cam lari topik nie aa..? Fokus diella..hahahhahahha..ape tadi..oh new far dah ade keje..bleh gitu..bos aku tadek kat ofc pown ade kojo..wakakak..i likee..dah dah..aku nk bace menatang Network Patching ni po bondo..

p/s: i miss your company