Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mess Mess Mess

Why am I always put myself in this kind of situation. adoih tak perlu la kot Diella oi. I didn't plan to fall in love with him. It was suppose to be friends going to a wedding together without any feelings. without any complications. tapi..tapi..tapi..how am I going to get myself out from this mess?

I gave my everything and anything in a relationship but why everytime..it's either because it got snatch by another women or I'm the other women. i don't deserve this. I deserve to be happy. I deserve someone who loves me..ONLY me. Banyak sangat ke permintaan aku ni. Besar sangat ke keinginan aku ni.

Aku tak mintak orang kasik aku segunung intan berlian. aku tak mintak orang good looking. cukup orang yang sederhana tapi sayang aku sangat sangat.

Tapi aku dah janji aku takkan walk away. no matter how hard..no matter how sad it makes me feel. I will not leave him cos that's my promise that I will take care of him. No matter what!!


Anangelic said...

listen to me please, don't stay because of the promises. Been there done that.. the end result is terribly sick

Dark @ng3L said...

Hmm..will think about it. It's just I love him so much

Anonymous said...

Tuhan mintak ko Solat je. ko bagi tak kat Dia? harhar

Dark @ng3L said...

Alhamdullilah cukup 5 waktu setakat ini