Friday, August 20, 2010

Not a Good day

yesterday was not a good day for me..because:

1. miss monthly came at 7.10pm..15 minutes to waktu berbuka...ko boleh bayang frust aku cane..arrgghhh..
2. my housemate suppose to pick me up but she forgot to pick me up. so i have to wait for my parents to finish terawikh..hmmphh..

but on da bright side:
1. bapak bought my siput sedut..itu pon hampir terloppaaa..
2. mak cooked my bubur kacang hijau..sodapppp wehh...

today is a very busy day for me..pepagi back up tape dah berproblem..dengan orang harassing nak laptop nak laptop..hish la...paham tak procedurenye...mcm nie..

aku kene raise request --- Line manager has to sign --- Managing Director kene counter sign --- email the sign form to IT --- IT UK will assign which laptop --- IT Brisbane will liase balik dengan aku which laptop to configure

slalunye akan sangkot kat managing director (sbb PA die cas cantik dan lembap), UK IT pown akan sangkot..sbb........ko hengat ko sorang mintak laptop...byk lagi staff kt ofc negara lain punye IT request dorang nak layan ok...sabar bolehhhh..???? dh ko hire orang last menet sape suh...hadap jelahhhhhhhh....cibai..

dahla aku ade laptop delivery..bukan 3 wehh....bulan dpn 5 plak...mane aku nak campakkan sume laptop2 nieh..arggghhh.....osmaisgos...aiyemlozingmaimain...

dah dah..later aku sambung ye..nak settle kan sekawan laptop yang menyemak kat tepi meja ai nieh..lelong leong...satu rm500..hahahhaa