Tuesday, January 20, 2009

::Aku Kene Tag::

The rules are simple..

First. You answer the following set of questions. A simple keyword.

Second. Use those answers to search for pictures in Flickr using Flickr search. From only the first page of your search results, pick a picture.

Third. Copy and paste each of the photo's URLs for the images into the Mosaic Maker.

Last. Finish step 1 to 3 and then tag 12 person you know.

The questions are as follows:

What is your nickname?
What is your favourite food?
Where did you go to high school?
What is your favourite colour?
Who is your celebrity crush?
Favourite drink?
Dream vacation?
Favourite dessert?
What is your childhood ambitions?
What do you love most in life?
One word to describe you.
Your Flickr name.

dan jawapan aku adelah....
fettucine carbonara
convent bukit nanas
Ryan Gosling
Strawberry Smoothies
Bubu Long Beach
Air Stewardess

dan hasil nya...teng terenggggggggggg........

aku adalah malas nk tag orang nie.....


Radin Hairi said...

wow~ kecik2 dh feeling pramugari la die ni

Dark @ng3L said...

en radin..
biaselah....seb bek pramugari..
kalo kekecik dah feeling ghetto cane??